Kettle Shields 30 July 2017 Results

This year we had only 11 players all of whom arrived after a night of heavy rain equipped to face the showers which had been forecast.
We were very lucky – the sun shone most if the time and wet weather gear stayed out of sight.
With 11 players – fewer than in recent years – it meant that we used primary colours only which avoided the usual waiting around for the 4 in front to clear the hoop.
We also played level without the use of handicaps for the second year and the results indicate that this works well as they were all very close games.
There were two winners – Jane and Paul both of whom won all 4 games. Jane had just 17 hoops scored against her and Paul had 20 scored against him. Lynne was third having won 3 of her 4 games.
We would like to thank everyone who played today and Ena for keeping the scores for us
Brian & Carole Parsons
Photos: Peter

My Thanks also to Carole and Brian Parsons for managing the tournament. A wonderful day of promiscuous doubles*
Peter Raper

Carole and Brian have added this explanation.
We play what is known as “promiscuous doubles” which means that we change partners for each game. The partners are drawn randomly. The games are worked out in advance using numbers and then names drawn to replace the numbers. We will play 4 games each (using handicaps) and the winners will be the 2 players with the most wins (or the most hoops taken at the end of the day in the event of a tie).