C&FCC members – out and about

Sunday 22 May event

Well done to John Effingham who won the Hamptworth 5+ Golf Croquet Tournament.

Well done to new member Tony Hicks who came 2nd in an Association Croquet Tournament, the previous week, in Budleigh Salterton.

29 May – Sussex County Teams’ Day

The team of eight at Southwick (l to r): Lynne, John E, Peter R, Janet M, Keith, Tony H, Joyce and Tony E

Well done to all who took part and especially to one team of four who came 3rd overall

3 June – Jubilee decorations at the Fishbourne Centre

John E, Peter and Janet M helped out in fitting bunting around the centre. David is helping on Sunday – the Centre’s trustees have pass on thanks to the club for the support to the centre.

Picture shows Peter, with help from Janet fixing bunting for Sunday’s Queen’s Jubilee extravaganza at the Fishbourne Centre